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Australian Venue Co (AVC) is a world-class hospitality group that has more than 150 venues across Australia. The AVC are passionate about delivering exceptional customer experiences across a national portfolio of restaurants, bars, pubs and dedicated event spaces.
As part of the sponsorship, OMSC members will be entitled to numerous exclusive offers, discounts, rewards and benefits.
The club immensely appreciates the support of Australian Venue Co and The Smith and warmly welcomes them to the OM family. The OMSC looks forward to building our new partnership together. Smith is the OMSC's official bar and pub venue for the 2020 season.
Housed in a historically significant building formerly known as The Duke of York Hotel which was built in the 1850s, The Smith is a locally-loved restaurant, bar & function space on High Street in Prahran.
As part of the sponsorship, OMSC members will be entitled to numerous exclusive offers, discounts, rewards and benefits at The Smith and other Australian Venue Co. venues. Burgers and passionate, community-minded people. It's the Grill'd Way.
Their doors opened for the first time in 2004, and from day one they've been committed to staying true to themselves, and their customers. That means continuing to serve guilt-free, healthy burgers.
Grill'd hold their sustainability standards high, taking steps inside and outside of their restaurants to reduce their environmental impact.
Grill'd have raised over $4.5 million for more than 30,000 community groups through our Local Matters program.